(Oral Liquid)


Composition: Each 1 ml contains:

Vitamin A                                              : 100 000 IU

Vitamin D3                                            : 20  000  IU

Vitamin E                                               : 20  mg

Selenium (as Na Selenite)                  : 300 mcg


Properties and indications:

VITACHEM AD3ES contains:

Vitamin A is essential for the development and maintenance of epithelial tissues and mucous membranes thus increasing resistance against infectious diseases. It is also necessary for vision, normal bone growing process, and normal reproductive processes in male and female; proper spermatogenesis, pregnancy and embryonic development.

Vitamin D3 regulates the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. It affects the normal development of the skeleton and teeth especially in young animals, eggshell quality and also normal muscular contraction and nervous excitability.

Vitamin E has an antioxidant activity; neutralizing free radicals and stabilizing unsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes. It is essential for the normal operation of reproductive, nervous and muscular systems including cardiovascular system. It also boosts the immune mechanisms and enhances resistance to bacterial and viral infections.

Selenium is an important dietary micronutrient and is a component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase GSH-Px, which protects cell membranes from oxidation. Selenium and Vitamin E act synergistically to prevent tissue damage and maintain integrity and optimum function of reproductive, muscular, circulatory, nervous and immune systems. They provide the internal antioxidants that livestock needs to reach the outstanding production level.


This balanced combination of VITACHEM AD3ES is used:

  • To boost the immune-system against diseases and stress conditions due to vaccination, extreme temperatures, debeaking, deworming, transport, change of feed, first days of animal’s life, at weaning, mycotoxins, etc.
  • To increase the production of milk, wool, meat and eggs.
  • In cases of poor hatchability and fertility, rickets, encephalomalacia, exudative diathesis, myopathies, caged-layers fatigue, ascites, and blindness. 
  • In cases of non-infectious reproductive disturbances in male and female animals; abortion, oligospermia, depressed copulation activity, retained placenta, oestrus cycle disorders.
  • In cases of nutritional muscular dystrophy, lameness, mastitis in dry dairy cows.


Dosage and administration:

  • Poultry: 100 ml /200 Liters of drinking water for 5-7 days.
  • Cattle, camels and horses: 5-15 ml /animal daily for 3-5 days.
  • Sheep and goats: 2-4 ml /animal daily for 3-5 days.
  • Rabbits, dogs and cats: 1.5 ml/ animal daily for 3-5 days.


  • Medicated drinking water should be used within 24 hours.
  • Do not overdose or add with other selenium-containing products.


Withdrawal Period: Zero days.


Storage: Store in dark & dry place at temperature below 30 °C.




For Veterinary Use Only

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